Meet Wayzn User Brandon

Meet Wayzn User Brandon

Meet Brandon and his furry friend, Sasha. Sasha is eight years old and her hobbies include taking long walks at night and spending time with her family while they cook in the kitchen.

Meet Brandon and his furry friend, Sasha. Sasha is eight years old and her hobbies include taking long walks at night and spending time with her family while they cook in the kitchen. “Sasha is quite the foodie. She loves being around while we prepare dinner and she’ll eat anything from lettuce to french fries to apples” says Brandon.  Sasha joined Brandon’s family when she was just 5 weeks old and the two have been inseparable ever since. “Sasha is like my shadow. She sleeps with me every night and when I’m out of town she’ll sleep on my side of the bed until I return.” Since Brandon works during the day and his son is at school, he purchased the Wayzn to allow Sasha the flexibility to enter and exit the home as she pleases. “I’m always looking for ways to make my life and my son’s life more safe and enjoyable. To me, the Wayzn provided that and that’s why we decided to go forward with it ” said Brandon. 

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