Best Dog Door for Large Dogs: Size Matters

Best Dog Door for Large Dogs: Size Matters

Dog Door for Large Dogs by Wayzn

Large breed dogs bring immense joy to our lives. Their loyalty, playfulness, and impressive size enrich our homes. However, their unique needs, particularly regarding access to the outdoors, can present challenges. Traditional dog doors, designed for smaller breeds, often become a source of frustration for large dogs.

The Drawbacks of Confined Spaces for Large Dogs

Forcing a Great Dane or Mastiff to squeeze through a small opening is not only impractical but potentially detrimental. Here's why confined spaces pose problems:

  • Physical Discomfort and Injury: Navigating a cramped dog door can strain a large dog's joints and muscles. Repeated use can lead to back pain and injuries.
  • Psychological Stress and Aversion: The struggle to fit through a small doorway can be stressful for dogs, causing anxiety and reluctance to use the door altogether.
  • Training Difficulties: Training a large dog to use a small door can be a lengthy and frustrating process for both pet and owner.

Benefits of a Spacious Dog Door for Large Breeds

A properly sized dog door designed for large breeds offers numerous advantages:

  • Improved Physical and Mental Well-being: Spacious access eliminates discomfort and reduces stress, promoting a healthier and happier dog.
  • Enhanced Independence and Freedom: A readily accessible door allows your dog to manage bathroom needs and enjoy outdoor time on their terms.
  • Reduced Accidents and Convenience: Dogs can relieve themselves outside, preventing accidents and providing freedom from constant monitoring.
  • Peace of Mind for Owners: Knowing your dog can access the outdoors when needed provides peace of mind, especially during extended absences.

Training Your Big Dog to Embrace the Dog Door

Convinced of the benefits of a spacious dog door for your large friend? Now comes the training! Here's a guide to help your gentle giant master the art of independent exits and entries:

Positive Reinforcement is Key:

  • Start Slow: Introduce your dog to the dog door when it's deactivated (if possible) or propped open. Let them explore the opening at their own pace, rewarding them with treats and praise for sniffing or walking through.
  • Lure Them Through: Use treats or a favorite toy to entice your dog to move through the door. Gradually decrease the amount of lure needed as they become more comfortable.
  • Clicker Training: Clicker training can be a valuable tool. Click and reward your dog just as they touch the door with their nose or initiate movement through it.
  • Keep it Positive: Be patient and shower your dog with praise and affection throughout the training process. Avoid scolding or forcing them through the door, as this can create anxiety.

Building Confidence:

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Short, frequent training sessions are more effective than long, drawn-out ones. Practice entering and exiting the dog door several times a day.
  • Command Cues: Introduce a simple verbal cue like "outside" or "go potty" as your dog approaches the door. Reward them for following the cue and successfully using the door.
  • Associate the Door with Fun: Pair using the dog door with enjoyable activities like going to the backyard for playtime or a walk. This creates a positive association with the door.



Every dog learns at their own pace. Be patient and adjust your training based on your dog's progress. If your dog exhibits excessive fear or reluctance, consult a professional trainer to rule out any underlying anxieties.

By following these steps and providing ample encouragement, your large dog will soon be confidently navigating their own personal doggy doorway to freedom!

Choosing the Right Dog Door for Your Large Dog

When you need to choose a dog door for your large breed dog it’s important to keep in mind that you need to measure your dog before choosing a door. Here are some tips to get your measurements right. 

  • Accurate Measurements: Precise measurement of your dog's height and width ensures a comfortable fit. A little extra space prevents injuries and promotes ease of use.
  • Durable Materials: Large dogs require robust construction. Look for frames made from extruded metal and heavy-duty magnets for a secure seal.
  • Installation Options: Wall-mounted and sliding glass door inserts are popular choices for large dog doors. Consider your home layout and ease of installation.

Spacious dog doors address the discomfort and limitations large dogs face with traditional models. This promotes their well-being and independence, creating a happier life for both you and your furry friend.

Whether you share your home with a Great Dane or a Chihuahua, Wayzn offers a solution for every dog.

Our dog door opener uses your existing sliding glass door to make your pet feel comfortable and confident while going outside with the added bonus that it caters to all breeds. 

So ditch the frustration of cramped dog doors and give your dog the freedom they deserve with a Wayzn dog door.

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