Unfortunately, our manufacturing timeline has been impacted by the Covid-19 outbreak. We are experiencing a significant delay in receiving the remaining plastic parts from China where over 80,000 confirmed cases have brought production to a temporary standstill. We are now being told it will be sometime in late April before we receive the remaining shipment, but we are looking at the possibility of air-shipping some portion in order to expedite the timeline.
We are taking this time to set up a second assembly line at a much larger facility in nearby Fremont, CA so we will be prepared to produce the remaining units at a rapid pace once the remaining materials become available.

Indiegogo orders will be shipped first, followed by Batch #2 and others in the order they were finalized. At the current pace we expect to begin shipping the initial Indiegogo backer units this month, continuing into April. If the ramp up in our new facility goes well AND the plastics come in by late April our current estimate for remaining orders and pre-orders is to begin shipping between late April to May timeframe. As the situation improves or worsens we’ll keep you all up to date.
If you backed the Indiegogo campaign and haven’t yet completed the fulfillment survey, please do so now.
If you reserved a Batch #2 unit you will be contacted at some point to finalize your order, or you can do so at your convenience. Units will be fulfilled in the order they were finalized.
If you reserved on or after 12/14/19 we will notify you when it is time to finalize your order.
Stay tuned for more updates soon. We appreciate your continuing patience and support!