We have received enough parts inventory to begin assembly. All of the electrical components are in and work is underway on the complete printed circuit board assemblies.
We have also received an expedited air shipment of the first 400 complete sets of the custom plastic, and we already have all of the remaining mechanical components in hand.

We have been working on setting up the assembly process, and have completed the custom machine we built to press-fit the two sides of the device together.
As soon as we have a handle on the assembly process and the required time for unit testing and packaging we will start providing shipping estimates.
Indiegogo orders will be shipped first, followed by Batch #2 and others in the order they were finalized.
If you backed the Indiegogo campaign and haven’t yet completed the fulfillment survey, please do so now.
If you reserved a Batch #2 unit you will be contacted at some point to finalize your order, or you can do so at your convenience.
If you reserved on or after 12/14/19 we will notify you when it is time to finalize your order.
Stay tuned for more updates and concrete shipping dates as soon as we have them. We appreciate your patience and support.